In the current era of historic firsts by African Americans, we must recall that the firsts are not overdue because Black people weren’t ready —it is the country that wasn’t ready.

Anneliese M. Bruner

Anneliese M. Bruner

Anneliese is the great-granddaughter of Tulsa survivor Mary E. Jones Parrish and is a writer and editor who has worked in the business, media, and nonprofit sectors. She attended Bryn Mawr College. Her writing has appeared in Honey Magazine, Savoy Magazine, USAID FrontLines, and The Lily (Washington Post). She was born and raised in San Francisco, with stints in Oakland, and still considers California her home. She has lived in Washington, D.C., for more than thirty-five years.


Burgin Streetman: bstreetm(at)